Who We Are

Founding Pastor Bill Vigue

Over the years Bill's teaching ministry has strengthened and inspired many to move forward with God.  Having a hunger to search for answers to life's difficult questions; Bill knows by experience the "great salvation" God makes available to mankind.  

Knowing what God means when claiming He can and will "Save to the uttermost"; Bill often tells how God's providence intervened to save his life.  On one particular occasion God caused him to see his dad on TV, in old combat footage on Omaha Beech during the D-Day invasion of Normandy, France.


                                      Pastor Bill was promoted to Glory on 6/10/22.  

Barbara Vigue:

Barbara has a MA in counseling.  Besides being an ordained minister and Bible teacher, she has a background as a registered nurse and a certified Christian School secondary education teacher, guidance specialist, and school administrator and as a Licensed Professional Counselor. She continues to provide Biblical counseling service to those in need.

Bill and Barbara have three grown children, Gabrielle, Mary, and Mike who have served in ministry since childhood.  We are now joined by Mary's husband and our ministry pastor Chris Duncan and their four children, Emery, Will, Ben, and Wes and by Michael's wife Madeline (Powers) and their children Titus and Truly Grace.


The entire family serves together in Meat of The Word Ministries.


What We Believe

  • God is a trinity: God the father, Jesus the son, and the Holy Spirit.
  • All dimensions of God, including his gifts and manifestations are still needed and at work in the earth today.
  • The present day ministry of Jesus, seated at the right hand of the Father, is ever at work to make intercession for the saints.
  • Man was created in God’s image and likeness but by Adam’s transgression, man’s bloodline was contaminated with death causing all men to have fallen short of the glory of God.
  • Man’s redemption is offered through the blood of Jesus Christ by faith and repentance.
  • The whole counsel of God, including His Holy Word spoken through prophets and inspiration of the Holy Spirit, give life to all who believe in The Word.
  • The Royal Law of God is love.
  • Faith in the Word of God will cause your mind, will, and emotions to be renewed and understand God’s plan for your life.
  • The Ten Commandments are a guide to successful living, but only by the grace of God are we saved.
  • By grace through faith a Christian can enjoy continual victory in every area of their life.
  • The supernatural work of the Holy Spirit and the power of God provide comfort, strength, healing and restoration to all that call upon the Lord.
  • Prayer is the foundation for every Christian endeavor.
  • Satan and his kingdom of demons exist and are launched against mankind, but victory is available to them who resist with “It is written”.
  • God’s angels are ministering spirits sent by God to minister to the saints.
  • End-time prophesies of the Bible include the second coming of Jesus, eternal judgment and resurrection of the dead.
  • God is a God of mercy, forgiveness and restoration.
  • God still speaks to his servants in dreams and visions, and makes known the secret things of God.
  • Divine healing and deliverance is offered and available to ALL in the atonement of Jesus.